Dr Maurice Quirke and some colleagues have recently publicly pointed out that the HSE has mislead Magdalene women when they were promised a ‘comprehensive’ scheme to cover their treatment needs.
Turns out that they are being offered the same as other Medical Card holders, ie annual examination, 2 fillings per annum and extractions as required as well as prescriptions as necessary. Hardly the stuff one would think of when considering a comprehensive health scheme for a group of women who have been severely wronged by the State in the not-so-distant past.
Contrast this with the arrangements put in place for the Hepatitis C victims, a scheme under which patients can receive any and all treatments required to render them dentally fit. And this is what the Magdalene women were told they would get also.
Now, the HSE is busy obfuscating and creating confusion in the minds of the media and the victims who are not familiar with what the terms of the State schemes actually deliver.
Incidentally, the Magdalene women’s representatives are outraged at what has happened now that the realities have been explained to them by Dr Quirke et al.
We feel that there will be lots more about this over the coming weeks and months.