Why you grind your teeth while asleep

By September 22, 2016 Diseases, Preventative

Your partner has said that you often grind your teeth in your sleep. But you don’t grind your teeth during the day.

How can you be doing it while sleeping?

You may have bruxism, teeth grinding and clenching, which often occurs when you sleep. If chronic grinding is left untreated, it could result in serious damage to your teeth and jaw.


How can you tell for sure you are grinding/clenching your teeth in your sleep? See if you have any of these symptoms.

  • Dull headaches or earaches in the morning
  • A sore jaw
  • Sensitive or loose teeth
  • Tooth wear or fracture
  • Indentations on the sides of your tongue
  • Sleep partner hears you grinding

If you are still unsure, talk to us. We can usually tell if you have bruxism.


Why do you grind your teeth at night? There are several possible causes to your bruxism.

  • Stress
  • Sleep deprivation, apnea, or even snoring
  • Poor bite or crooked, missing teeth
  • Alcohol or smoking


What can you do about your bruxism? Luckily, there are several treatments that your dentist can recommend depending on the reasons you grind your teeth.

  • Wearing a night guard while you sleep to protect the teeth
  • Relaxing several hours before bed. Meditating or speaking to a counsellor
  • Avoid alcohol and drug use

If you think that you grind or clench your teeth, call us on 051 421453 to arrange a consultation.