Flossing is regarded as a very valuable part of any dental health care routine. All dental professionals highly recommend daily flossing at least once per day for an individual to obtain maximum oral health. Flossing considerably aids getting rid of plaque from certain areas between the teeth which regular brushing can’t totally remove. Brushing will only access about 65% of the tooth surface so it is vital to use daily flossing to effectively clean the remaining 35% of the surface.
Moreover, this is crucial mainly because when plaque is not removed through flossing and brushing, this will sooner or later harden into tartar or calculus, and this will give rise to future gum inflammation and the systemic risks associated with this. By means of daily flossing, a person may also prevent dental decay and gum problems.
Keep in mind that flossing is not only intended to dislodge the foods that are stuck between the teeth. This is also purposely done to reduce the risk of halitosis and gum problems by means of getting rid of the plaque which accumulates along the gum line. Dentists advise that the best time to floss the teeth is prior brushing.
To many people, flossing isn’t fun and some may even find this a painful and boring process. Sadly, a lot of people overlook the significant benefit this dental practice provides. It is imperative to learn the proper way on how to effectively floss between the teeth.
How to floss properly?
•Take roughly 30 up to 45 centimeters of dental tape or dental floss. Afterwards, carefully grasp it in order to have approximately a couple of inches of dental tape or dental floss tightly drawn between the hands.
• Then, slip the dental tape or dental floss between the teeth as well as to the areas between the gums and teeth as far as it can go.
• Finally, floss up and down between each tooth with about eight up to ten strokes so to effectively remove plaque and food debris.
Picking the Right Dental Floss
Dental floss is usually made of Teflon or nylon and these are considered as both functional and effective in removing food stuck in the teeth and gums and efficiently aiding in clearing away plaque.
For people who suffer from gum recession or have bigger spaces between the teeth, a wide and flat dental tape is recommended for more effective use and better results. On the other hand, Gore-Tex or thin floss is advised for people with teeth that are close together since these are known to be shred resistant.
In truth, it does not really matter what type of floss a person prefers to use. What’s important is that the floss is effective and comfortable to use. Our dentists advise all our patients to make flossing a daily habit to maintain and improve improve oral health.